A Review on Kinetic Data Structures

Simena Dinas and José María Bañón

Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingeniera,

Cali, Colombia





Fecha Recepción: 02 DIC 2020

Fecha Aceptación: 04 DIC2020

1 Abstract

Kinetic Data Structures are a special way to model continuous collision detection due to the model and combination of the state of geometrical and motion configuration [Gui98], [GKR04], [Gui04] and [Got08]. Kinetication is a process focused on transforming an algorithm working on static data into a data structure valid for continuously changing data. A Kinetic Data Structure is a structure using some attributes in the input set, it includes a set of proofs that guarantee the attributes stay valid, and has a system that updates the data structure when the proofs or the structure of the attributes are no longer valid. The most widely utilized Kinetic Data Structures are: Collision Detection, Delaunay Triangulation, Convex Hull, Sorted List, Spanner, Voronoi, amongst others.

2 Kinetic Data Structures

A Kinetic Data Structure uses some attributes in the input set, includes a set of proofs that guarantee the attributes stay valid and, has a system that updates the data structure and when the proofs are not valid. Some concepts are important to Kinetic Data Structures:

·       Data Structure: For a Kinetic Data Structure over an attribute A, there are geometric relations that certify the combinatorial structure of A, the set of rules for repairing A and the relation between certificates when a relation fails.

·       Certificate: A certificate is one basic geometric relation.

·       Motion Plan: An explicit description of the motion of an object in an specific time.

·       Event: An event is the failure of a certificate. Events are divided into external and internal. An external event happens when the combinatorial structure of A changes, whereas an internal event happens when the certification needs to change (the structure does not change).

·       Event queue: According to their earliest failure time, all certificates are placed in an event queue.

A set of criteria is defined to evaluate the Kinetic Data Structures [BGSZ97], [KSS00], [Gui01] and [Aba07].

·       Responsiveness: Is related to the time required to update a certificate failure, which should be small. Accordingly, the configuration function changes, and it is necessary to  find the new value and to repair the affected certificates. This proof includes identification of the failure, deletion of the bad certificates, insertion of new certificates and changes in the event queue.

·       Efficiency: The efficiency of a Kinetic Data Structure is related to the number of events processed in the worst case, in other words, the quantity of events that are processed when a certificate failure happens.

·       Compactness: A Kinetic Data Structure is compact when the number of certificates involved in a proof is small; each proof involves a set of certificates, a kinetic data structure compact involves a minor number of certificates, therefore, it is reflected in the size of the event queue. On the other hand, each certificate involves a set of objects; however, each object cannot be involved in each certificate. The size of a KDS was defined as the maximum number of certificates [Gui98].

·       Locality: A KDS is considered local when the number times of an object appear in certificates is small or the maximum number of certificates involving an object. It should be small. Then, the locality of a KDS is the maximum number of certificates in which any one object can ever appear.

Kinetic Data Structures were early documented focused on Collision Detection [BGSZ97] and [BGH97]. However, an in-depth study was proposed by Guibas et al. (2004) and Guibas (2004). In contrast, Basch (1999) defined the correctness criteria for Kinetic Data Structures: Responsiveness, Efficiency, Compactness and Locality. That criterion can be used to measure and compare the performance of the Kinetic Data Structure. Kinetic Data Structures have been used to model collision detection problems, usually called Kinetic Collision Detection. Kinetic collision detection between two simple polygons was proposed [BEG+04]. The authors constructed a triangulation using the inner spaces between a pair of polygons called External Relative Geodesic Triangulation - ERGT by using a subdivision of the planar space. However, the triangulation is created using the free-space between non-convex polygons and vertices. Consequently, a pseudo-triangulation is created and modified according to the response caused by colliding.

3 Kinetic Data Structure for Moving Objects

The following are the most common Kinetic Data Structures, all of them are focused on keeping track of moving objects during the time; however, the objects are different for each one:

·       Delaunay Triangulation: Delaunay Triangulation is the most famous computational geometry; it takes advantage of the connection between points because they are the closest points. Several works on Kinetic Delaunay Triangulations [Rus07], [DM08], [MD08], [VK08] and [AGG+10].

·       Voronoi: A Voronoi is a dual of Delaunay Triangulation; it is a special way of space decomposition [GD06].

·       Regular Triangulation: A regular triangulation, usually called aWeighted Delaunay Triangulation, is similar to Delaunay triangulations, but each vertex has a real-valued weight, which depends on the applications [BSDMH05] and [Rus07].

·       Delaunay Stable Graphs: It is a graph based on Delaunay Triangulation; it retains some properties of the Delaunay Triangulation to decrease the time of update by means of a dynamic subgraph [AGG+10].

·       Convex Hull: The convex hull is the convex envelope of a set of points, for moving points; several authors have worked on maintaining the structure [Bas99], [ABT07], [ABTT08], [KRS10] and [dRS11].

·       Collision Detection: It is popular structures based on triangulations, but they extend to non-convex polyhedral by using pseudo-triangulations [Spe01]; [GXZ01]; [AdhPS06b]; [AdhPS06a] and [BEG+04].

·       Sorted Order: It is usually called Kinetic Sorted problem, it is based on maintaining organized a data structure on a set of real numbers during the motion [Ad05] and [AAdY06].

·       Closest Pair: It is focused on calculating the minimum distance between all pairs in a set, as a result the identity of the closest pair [Bas99] and [AKS08].

·       All Nearest Neighbors: For every point p in a set of points, to calculate the nearest neighbor point by means of Euclidean distance [AKS08] and [SSV07].

·       Separation List: In order to split the time into intervals for the continuous collision detection problem, a separation list of a set of points, and determine exactly the time of contact. Thus, Kinetic Separation List takes advantage of the temporal and spatial coherence to check between bounding volumes [WZ06].

·       Minimum Spanning Circle: For a set of points P the minimum spanning circle is a circle containing all points of P [DEGS10] and [AEGH98].

·       Minimum Spanning Trees: For a set of points P and a distance function, the spanning tree is a weighted complete graph on P where the nodes are points in P and the weight of each edge is the distance between the endpoints of the edge [ZY00] and [AEGH98].

·       Spanners: A spanner is a graph consisting of a set of vertices and a set of edges. Every edge has a weight, which is related to the Euclidean distance between endpoints. Every vertex is associated to an edge; consequently, there is a path for each pair of vertices. The weight of a path is the sum of the weight of each edge contained in the path [AdG08] and [Ad09].

·       Mesh Refinement: It is a technique based on representing three-dimensional objects with complex shapes in which most important operations are tessellations (usually triangulations) and displacements [AHT11].

·       Sweep and Prune: Sweep and Prune methods are useful for collision detection; they limit the number of potential collisions on broad phase; nevertheless, the kinetic approach is based on maintaining a sorted list of one-dimension moving points during the time by using a Kinetic Sorted List [CS05].

·       Tournament Tree: A tournament tree of n items is a balanced binary tree with n leaves, where interior nodes are filled from bottom up. It is a divide-and-conquer approach to organizing a set of numbers [AAdY06].

·       Range Tree and KD-Trees: Both are Geometric Data Structures; they are based on Kinetic Sorted Lists. [BGH97]; [AAdY06].

·       Others: Kinetic Red-Blue Minimum Separating Circle [CDZ11]; Kinetic Robust K-Center [FM10]; Soft Kinetic Data Structures [CS01]; Kinetic Bounding Volume Hierarchies [ZW06]; Kinetic Planar Subdivisions [ABd+00]; Kinetic Binary Space Partitions [AEG98]; Kinetic Graphs [HBF07]; Relative Convex Hull and Minimal Link Separation [Her04]; among others.

4 Applications

Several Kinetic Data Structures can be found in the literature; however, some are widely used tor continuous collision detection. For instance, kinetic collision detection with a fast flight plan changes caused by the collision response in a translational movement of polygons was proposed [Her04]. It used a Relative Convex Hull, which is the shortest cycle of a polygon that separates from other polygons and Minimal-Link Separation, which is a simple polygon with as fewer edges as possible that separates a polygon from other polygons. This approach was focused on reducing the time required to update the collision response.

Minimal-Link Separation was the main research in a study of kinetic data structures in collision detection [KSS00] and [KS01]; it was based on multiple non-convex planar objects. The data structures included Convex Chains to represent the objects and Pseudo-Triangulations to subdivide the free space. Furthermore, in this work a Kinetic Separation Structure (KSS) based on pseudo-triangulations was introduced. Additionally, a corridor structure to represent free space in the pseudo-triangulation was also introduced.

Nevertheless, an important state-of-the-art data structure was studied called Updating Delaunay Triangulations for moving points [DM08], it focused on a discrete, almost-Delaunay approach and kinetic Delaunay Triangulation. Comparatively, can be reviewed an analysis of relevant literature on Kinetic Data Structures [Got08]. Both documents are important to find relevant publications on Delaunay Triangulation. However, the former is focused on Delaunay Triangulation and introduced the most important approaches, whereas the latter gives a general background on Kinetic Data Structures including Delaunay Triangulations.Several works are focused on small perturbations; they exploit temporal and spatial coherence, in other words, they work on the stability or predictability of the data. For instance, researches on Delaunay Triangulation of moving points were addressed by [Vom08a], [Vom08b], [MD08] and [MTAD09]. Vomácka proposed a numerical-analytical method to compute the times of topological events required to maintain a Delaunay Triangulation. The research conducted by Machado Manhes de Castro & Devillers (2008) was focused on showing an efficient way to update Delaunay Triangulations when there are small perturbations on the vertices. In addition, a study of the times of the topological events using Delaunay triangulation was developed [VK08]. They worked on the computation of a highly time consuming process related to analyzing the topological events required to maintain a Kinetic Delaunay Triangulation with points moving on linear trajectories. In addition, fast updating of Delaunay Triangulation of moving points by bi-cell filtering was proposed by Zhou et al. (2010). The problem addressed by the authors was the slight perturbation on data for Delaunay Triangulation. They used a Bi-cell filtering to take advantage of the connectivity between the points to updating the triangulation.

To maintain a Delaunay triangulation of moving points in a distribute environment was focused on Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games (MMOG) [YCLL05].  Each node (processor) is represented as an object (player), then the objects motion is related to the kinetication of Delaunay Triangulation; however, Delaunay is updated locally for each processor without using a centralized processor or global information. Delaunay Triangulation is used to get information on proximity of objects; it reduces the number of proximity queries to adjacent points depicted by edges.

A background on kinetic data structure and applications was widely studied [Rus07], whereas a package for exact computation was developed by [RKG07]. In general terms, the work of Russel (2007) and Russel et al. (2007) was focused on the construction of a framework for Kinetic Data Structure for CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library); nevertheless, the validation of the framework is based on a Kinetic Delaunay Triangulation. An analysis of Kinetic Data Structures with spherical shape and free-flying polyhedral was developed by Abam et al. (2006) and Abam (2007). The authors were based on the construction of different size spherical polyhedral; the goal was focused on reducing the number of certificates from quadratic to near-linear.

This work was conducted for similarly sized and arbitrarily sized fat objects or ball rolling. In contrast, a Kinetic Data Structure was developed for collision detection between polygons by using triangulation of free space and corridors, among others [KSS00], whereas a Kinetic Data Structure based on Bounding Volume Hierarchy was developed by Zachmann & Weller (2006); it was called a Kinetic Box Tree. The Kinetic Box Tree was based on Aligned-Axis-Bounding- Box (AABB) [ZW06]. Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) and Steiner triangulation are combined by Agarwal et al. (2000) to produce a Lower Bound Kinetic Data Structure.

An interesting geometric structure used in Kinetic Data Structure is the Convex Hull, which is the boundary of a Delaunay Triangulation. Some works on Convex hull include an approach to calculate the expansion of gas molecules by means of a self-adjusting technique and a robust implementation on three dimensions; it was reported by [ABT07] and [ABTT08], respectively. The former is based on a self-adjusting technique to identify the convex hull of gas molecules whereas, the latter proposed a robust Kinetic Convex Hull based on three stages i) a self-adjusting computation library, ii) an incremental 3D convexhull algorithm, and iii) the motion simulator. A mathematical study of Delaunay Triangulation and Convex Hull applied to kinetic data structures was proposed by using randomized trajectories set [KRS10]; it was implemented by means of pseudo-triangulations and combined dynamic and kinetic changes in order to decrease the number of operations.

Kinetic Stable Delaunay Graphs were defined by [AGG+10], to reduce the construction time of Kinetic Delaunay Triangulation. It is a dynamic subgraph of a Delaunay Triangulation. It retains many properties of a full Delaunay Triangulation and reduces upper bound on the number of topological changes.

Sorted Lists are used as Kinetic Data Structures to finding an organized list of numbers that represent a line in the space, in this sense; Kinetic Sorted List was used to maintain 1D lists for moving-sorted points [CS05], [CS06]. The Sorted List problem can be reduced to Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Diagrams and Convex Hull problems; however, the choice depends on the application [Ad05]. Spanners are data structures widely explored on Kinetic Data Structure. A Spanner is a graph constructed using a set of points and a set of undirected weighted straight edges connecting pair of points. It can be used to model real environments as road networks, and telecommunication networks amongst others [AdG08], [Ad09]. In contrast, Kinetic Mesh Refinement tries to maintain a mesh of continuous moving points based on the connectivity and deals with slight changes in the data; [AHT11] and [ZSW+10].


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